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      1930's Newport Arkansas

Photographs made by by father, James E. Doherty III (1923-2003) when he was a pre-teen and teenager in his hometown of Newport on the White River in NE Arkansas. My great grandfather James E. Doherty (an orphan from Ireland) was the first Doherty in Newport and he ran a saloon, owned an ice house and managed the Newport Opera House around the turn of the century. He was hassled so much by prohibitionists that he quit the saloon business and started in the cotton seed business. My Grandfather, James E. Doherty Jr. was born in 1890 and except for a brief stint in Chicago as a cub reporter at the Chicago tribune, spent his whole life in Newport, spending his professional life as manager of the Southern Cotton Oil Company. He was a very active community member. He married Ida Josephine Parish and they had one child in 1923, my father, James (Jimmy) E. Doherty III. Dad left for College in 1941 and graduated from UAMS  in 1946 while in the U.S. Army. He also studied with with Company "B", 12th Basic Medical Field Service School.  After residency he  began his 50 year career as a Professor of Cardiology and Pharmacology at UAMS in 1951. He saw patients at the Little Rock VA and published and spoke internationally about his research on digitalis in the 1960's and 70's. My daughter Dr. Kate Cohen was slack-jawed when she heard her grandfather's name mentioned in a lecture at Vanderbilt Medical School in reference to a paper he published in the 1960's.  Dad was an exceptional physician and his med students spoke highly of him.

My father c. 1925 with his mother, family dog and Model T Ford.

Jimmy Doherty in his Newport home darkroom 

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